Thursday, March 10, 2011

What The Show Is About

So ur prolly wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to the Familiar Faces and this damn show.. Well Dammit.... u shouldnt be asking questions.. but since u all inquisitive (dont spell check me NIGGA) and things.. let me explain to yall some of the things we gonna be talking about:

Since we some ignorant niggas, its gonna be some cussing involved, its gonna be come jokes thrown at any and EVERYBODY... we gonna talk about these hoes.. and why they cant get right.. we gonna talk about these weak niggas and "Bro Bro's" as we like to call them.. and how these "approachable" females just be walking about like that boo boo aint funky.. WE setting the record straight on EVERYTHING...

This blog is gonna be your daily access to something involving us or something we thought was tooo funny to keep to ourselves.. so we gonna give u a new blog to add to ur blog roll and make sure u favorite this page.. we are the page u should view right after u check worldstar but BEFORE u check mediatakeout bc we all know that stuff aint real...

So I thought i would leave yall with a taste of something i thought relates to us and what we talk about..

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